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Protect the Endangered Species Act

From the Defenders of Wildlife website:

"With a 99% effectiveness rate in preventing extinction, the ESA has proven to be one of our nation's most effective and popular conservation measures. Not only has the ESA prevented the extinction of 99% of the species placed under its protection - it has stabilized or improved the status of most listed species. In fact, species including the peregrine falcon, the American alligator and our nation's symbol, the bald eagle, have made great recovery progress. The Endangered Species Act also enjoys the overwhelming support of the American people. A recent national survey found that 90% of voters support the law. Yet shockingly, some in Congress would apparently ignore these facts and instead listen only to various corporate special interests.

This Congress, the ESA has been under unprecedented assault. To date, more than 80 bills, riders and amendments have been proposed to undermine this bedrock environmental law. Some of these measures seek to block or remove protections for individual species, while others seek to undermine key sections of the Act, such as ones that enable citizens to hold agencies accountable for following the law. These measures politicize decisions that should be based on the best available science and made under the ESA's well-established and effective procedures.

This fall, the ESA will face additional challenges. Perhaps the most serious of these concerns is the record number of anti-ESA riders contained in the Fiscal Year 2016 House and Senate Interior Appropriations bills. Some attacks would negatively affect a number of species including wolves, the lesser prairie chicken and sage-grouse. Others would limit access to the courts for Americans who value biodiversity. All of these attacks do fundamental damage to the ESA."

Follow this link for more information and help save your local endangered species today!

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