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Stop the Ivory Trade in the U.S.

"President Obama announced a new measure that will significantly curtail the ivory trade in the United States, the second largest ivory consuming country in the world, after China.

Several investigations have found illegal ivory in marketplaces across the country. The United States is a world leader in conservation but ivory trafficking is a cruel and dangerous trade. Ivory traffickers include transnational organized crime networks, and poachers include armed rebels who sell ivory to fund their criminal activities. Approximately 35,000 elephants are poached annually to supply the global demand for ivory.

Supporting this new rule sends a clear message that given the current plight of African elephants, illegal ivory trafficking will not be tolerated."

go to the Humane Society International's website to sign the petition!!

You can make even more of an impact by joining us on October 4th in Washington DC for the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos to protest the ongoing slaughter of these beautiful creatures.

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